Expat and Traveler Stories by Women Writers

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In celebration of her new release, Notes of a Naive Traveler, Jennifer S Alderson has invited travelers and expats to guest blog on her site. I’m happy to say I’m featured for the first week, and I hope you give it a read:

How Traveling Abroad Turned Me into a Writer

I had a lot of fun writing this article, as I am so busy working on new projects I barely think about the trip from four years ago. Seems like a good time to start planning a new one…









Check back on Monday for the second article in this series by international educator Jill Dobbe.



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Sylvie Writes a Romance


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Travel Writing on JenniferSAlderson.com

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One thought on “Expat and Traveler Stories by Women Writers”

  1. Thanks for the mention, Melissa! Editing Notes of a Naive Traveler definitely brought back some crazy memories and has re-ignited my wanderlust in a big way. New trip in the works… But for now, I am pleased to be able to share all of our travel stories. I really enjoyed reading your contribution, thanks for participating!

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