I’m very happy to announce the ebook release of Sylvie Falls in Love (Sylvie’s Romance #2)!
The paperback will be along in about a week, and at that time I’ll set up giveaways and parties and events. One book reading is already scheduled at Kona Stories Book Store for July 3rd, so if you’re coming to Big Island for the 4th of July just come a day early! Future dates on Kauai and the mainland will be announced shortly.
For now, though, you can find Sylvie Falls in Love on Amazon and Smashwords. Use the Amazon link for Kindle readers, and the Smashwords link for iBooks; more formats coming soon. If you haven’t read Sylvie Writes a Romance yet, read it first!
I hope you continue with Sylvie’s adventures, and love them as much as I’ve loved writing them.
Thank you for reading!
Congratulations Melissa!